
"In Autumn 2021, Pippa co-lead a digital arts in health project working alongside clinical dementia and applied theatre specialist staff to deliver a series of person-centred creative workshops across Medicine for the Elderly wards with Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust. Pippa demonstrated excellence in her approach to building trust and rapport with patients, and put into practice her Tier 2 dementia training within her creative interventions. Pippa was a highly valued member of the team creating beautiful bespoke artifacts for patients celebrating the stories they shared in her workshops which were consistently received with excitement."

Dr Nicola Abrahams, Lecturer of Applied Theatre at The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

"Pippa [at Bechdel Theatre] creates really engaging workshops which allow students to explore ideas around gender and identity. The exercises are imaginative and suitably challenging. Her skills as a facilitator allowed students to reflect on their work and practice through open and reflective discussions"

Lee White, Florida State University (London Theatre Academy)

"I felt encouraged to take risks in a way I hadn’t before"

Bechdel Theatre Workshop Participant